
Thursday 14 November 2019

Aswang - Myths


Aswang is an evil shape-shifting spirit in Philippine mythology. This creature originated back in the 16th century. Aswang is one of the scariest myths. Aswang likes to dine on fetuses and small children. There are different types of aswang such as vampire aswang (manananggal aswang), waredog, and witch.  Surprisingly, aswang are able to feel emotions just like a normal person. During the day Aswangs still have some powers. Healing potions and casting spells are some of the powers that they have; they use them to help people in their town. Forced to hide their children, parents hide them before the sunset has finished. A person is able to turn into aswang if they chose to—you’re sick if you want that—by tying a fertilized chicken egg to their stomach. While women are sleeping, some of the aswang eat the baby inside her stomach. Aswang, one of the most famous Myths which came from the Philippines, has scared people for hundreds of years.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Scotland and England- Act of Union 1707

I researched about treaty between Scotland and England called Act of Union 1707. This treaty has a lot of similarities with the treaty of Waitangi. Maori and Europeans are both believe in Religions but have different perspectives. It is the same as Scotland and England.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Creative Writing

Golden Chain 

There was a wealthy man with a happy family. The man named Robert Mondragon and his wife is
Donnalyn Mondragon, they have a kid named Zeinab Mondragon. They have a big company business
called Mondragon and they were really famous in Industry. They are a happy family but one-day
Donnalyn died because of a car accident because of the accident, Robert and Zeinab always gotta
fight they don’t even have time for each other. Zeinab always rebels to his father after her mother died
because she is more close to her mother and she can’t accept what happened to her mother. One day
Daniela wanna leave their house and live with her own life 

Zeinab said “I don’t want to be here anymore. I can’t live with you anymore, I can’t help it I always
miss my mom and I don’t know how to fix this my relationship with you”

Robert replied “I know it is hard for you to accept your mother lost, it’s hard for me too but we
need to accept it”

“I know but I think I need some time to figure out myself and give me some time to move on”
Zeinab is crying.

Robert “ ok then you can live with on your own, but I'm gonna tell you you can’t get any money
from me even though my heritage you should make your own money and food”

 “You can’t do that my mom gave me her heritage and her belongings before she died and you
can’t stop me from that” Zeinab yelling

The next day Zeinab already moved to an apartment which is she can only afford. She doesn't
have money or anything but the thing she doesn’t know that her father found a new woman who
replaced her mother her name is Jelai Andress. Jelai is Robert’s secretary on Mondragon’s but
they don’t know that much from each other before. After Donnalyn died Robert starting to know
about Jelai. Jelai is just their just doing her normal day at work but the thing she doesn't that
Robert is already planning to date or court her. Zeinab doesn’t know about this and if she knew
about this she will really get mad at her father. After a few days, Robert already ask Jelai to go out.  

Monday 21 October 2019

Volcano- Research

Mayon is also known as for Mayon Volcano or Mount Mayon you can found this on Albay Bicol in the Philippines. It is a sacred and active volcano. This volcano its been in the Philippines since 1616. The Mayon already erupted 47 times and its last eruption last year 2018 of January. Mayon is a classical stratovolcano, mayon is an explosive volcano. The most violent eruption of Mayon happened, in 1814, killed more than 1200 people and devasted several towns.

Image result for what happened to mayon volcano Image result for what happened to mayon volcano

Tuesday 17 September 2019

English Speech

What is my speech about?
Image result for plastic bagsMy speech is all about plastic bags that they should be banned. The uses of the plastic bags, and how to prevent using of it. Animals and pollutions are also part of my speech.

What am I proud of my speech?
I'm proud of my speech because I delivered it properly. I explain my speech properly and I put a lot of details on it. I'm also proud that if you read my speech you will know a lot about plastic bags how to get rid of them and how to use them properly.

What I should change next time?
Maybe next time I should put more details on it and say more explanation about it

Monday 16 September 2019

Ancient Rome

Image result for ancient rome history ancient Rome is Roman civilization from the founding of the Italian city of Rome in the 8th century BC to the collapse of the Western RomanEmpire in the 5th century AD, encompassing the Roman Kingdom. The Romans are the people who originated from the city of Rome in modern-day Italy. Rome was the center of the Roman Empire. First Rome was right along the Tiber River. The Tiber River meant Rome had access to water and water made life and civilization possible, you can see where Tiber River and Rome is on the map. The second Rome locations are perfect is that there is huge mountains range that protects Rome, Alps, and the Apennines would later make invasions of Rome more difficult. Rome is also surrounded by hills as well, Rome is protected by natural barriers.

Friday 6 September 2019

Isaac Newton and His law

Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
Image result for isaac newtonSir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, and a key figure in the scientific revolution.

Isaac Newton's 3 laws:
Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. This is normally taken as the definition of inertia. The key point here is that if there is no net force acting on an object

The second law explains how the velocity of an object changes when it is subjected to an external force. The law defines a force to be equal to change in momentum per change in time.

The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if object A exerts a force on object B, then object B also exerts an equal force on object A. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Today we are making a Pyramid that made of lego. It's fun to do it with your friends especially when you are building it. This is some facts about Pyramids. The Great Pyramid of Giza points very precisely to the north. The pyramids of Egypt are all built to the west of the Nile River. This is because the western side was associated with the land of the dead. The base of a pyramid was always a perfect square. They were built mostly of limestone. There were traps and curses put on the tombs and the pyramids to try and keep robbers out.

Wednesday 28 August 2019


Helllo Goodmorning

Home Economics

Image result for pizza

Every Monday we cooked food in Home Economics. Today I'm gonna talk about pizza, Pizza is one of the most popular food in NZ. The first pizza hut restaurant in New Zealand in 1974. Some of the Nz family they use it traditional food every dinner or lunch  

While making the pizza we found it a little hard while making the dough like how we make the scone every second we are putting flour just it makes to stick it together. After that, we put a lot of ingredients  such as salumi, tomato, onions, ham, meat, pineapple, and a lot of cheese

We put a little amount of salt. Pizza is healthy because of the ingredients in it but it has a lot of calories.

I learn now how to cook and bake pizza and how to sort the time faster and easier and maybe next time I'm going to make a bigger pizza. I'm looking forward to new ingredients that we can use or put in our pizza. 

Ancient Egyptian Inventions


pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single step at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric senseThe Pyramids have more than 5 million blocks of limestone until now believed to be carved stones, new evidence shows they were cast with agglomerated limestone concrete. There are known three chambers inside the pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was unfinished. Egyptians also believe that the people who died will live inside the pyramid after death. Image result for how the pyramid is different from today
Image result for egyptians Shadow clocks
Around 3,500 BCE they invented the clock. The Egyptians use the shadows the giant stone obelisks cast on the ground to tell the time of day. Each obelisk was built to tell a story. But they worked very well as shadow clocks. Later on, the ancient Egyptians invented the first portable timepiece. It was also a shadow clock, but you could carry it around with you. It was lightweight, and about a foot long, maybe a little longer. It had a raised section in the middle.

Door Locks
The earliest door lock consisted of a wooden crossbar on two wooden brackets mounted on the door and the door frame. The next stage in development was the use of a key. It’s believed that the Egyptians designed these complex locks as a way to guard valuable items or places of religious significance. The Romans created new types of door locks and developed the idea of the Egyptian lock, substituting iron for the wooden lock and often bronze for the key. Keys were no longer too big to lose (or lift), indeed some Roman keys were small enough to wear on a finger
Image result for ancient egyptian door lock
Related image
Winemaking has a long tradition in Egypt dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. The modern wine industry is relatively small scale but there have been significant strides towards reviving the industry. In the late nineties, the industry invited international expertise in a bid to improve the quality of Egyptian wine, which used to be known for its poor quality.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Device usage (graphs)

You can see in this first Bar graph is the students use screen time most of the time. Most of the student use screen time between 10-20 hours. The highest student use screen time in Bu is Loishane she uses 43hours in screen time and the lowest is Starling he uses 5hours of screen time. We can see the difference of every student using a bar graph. Most of the student use a lot of screen time and most of it doesn't.

This pie chart shows us the devices or gadgets that student uses most of the time. This pie chart also shows us the biggest and smallest amount of what device every student use. We also can see in this chart how big the phone uses every day or every week. This chart also shows us that most device uses is the phone and the smaller is the computer, iPad, and Laptop

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Plastic and Plastic Bags essay

What are the benefits of removing the plastics bags? Plastic pollution is a huge problem in the world and it’s affecting our daily lives. For me, I agree that we should remove plastic bags from supermarkets. Sometimes the plastic or plastic bags can be helpful because some of the factories use it to make new things it can be recycled to make tissues, plastic chairs, and tables, etc. But most of the time using plastic bags is bad for our environment most of all the people throwing the plastic bags in the ocean, not putting the plastic bags into the right bin. Over 381 million tonnes of plastic bags in 2015, this is roughly equivalent to the mass of two-thirds of the world population. 

Plastic bags can hurt animals. Most of the plastic bags can hurt animals in the ocean over 100,000 turtles and countless. Other animals in the ocean die each year such as jellyfish, tuna, sharks, dolphins, etc. Plastic cannot be digested or passed by an animal so it stays in the gut, plastic in animals gut can prevent food digestion can lead to a very slow and painful death. Not only the animals in the ocean we can destroy also their shelves and the corals under the sea, their food and kill small living things.

Plastic bags can cause pollution. Every year millions of plastic bags are collected from the ocean, forest, street sides. Most of the plastic bottles ended up in rubbish dumps or in the environment. Being populated is not safe, some people use plastic to make food that also can destroy our body and digestive system. There are two kinds of plastic pollution, Land pollution, and Air pollution. Land pollution is when plastic is dumped in landfills its interacts with water with chemicals, when these chemicals seep underground, they destroy the water quality. Air pollution is burning plastic bags in the open air leads to environmental pollution. When humans and animals inhale the polluted air it can cause respiratory problems.

The major causes of plastic pollution. Improper disposal of plastics is one of the reasons why there’s a lot of plastic bags in the world. We can use plastic bags again so the population will not grow more 

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Social Study

  1. What is the purpose of the research? The purpose of this is to be ready for our future, how we going to save money. This topic can help us to be ready for our future. 
  2. What career were given? I've been given the "Electrical Appliance Serviceperson". Electrical Appliance Serviceperson is the people that sell and services kitchen appliances such as fridge, washing machines, and ovens.
  3. What are you working now? I'm working on the paper sheet. I'm trying to work on some stuff like finding some house and how I'm going to save the money with the house, foods, and transportation 

Monday 22 July 2019

English: Another World - Diversity

The last term in Eglish we did some works in Diversity. Diversity is the quality and respect in every culture. I also learn about the Another world that every people or culture are not the same we have different beliefs and different traditions. We should respect everyone we should not compare our self to anyone. We also watched some movies last term that makes us understand diversity like glee and avatar. Except for diversity we also did some essay writing about 'Children of blood and bones'. Children of blood and bones can also relate to diversity. I enjoyed our topics last year and I hope that the fun will be like in this term.

Monday 1 July 2019

Magazin- Art

Where is your focal point? Why did you choose it and decide to put it where it is? Our focal point is the handshake in the middle we choose to put it in the middle because it can get the attention of the focal point.

How are your shapes and lines leading you to your focal point? The circle makes the handshake more obvious and it really tells what focal point is.

Why did you choose the colors you did? We mostly use light pink and gray because it is pleasant to the eyes and more attractive to the viewer and for me it's aesthetic

Does your text reflect the hierarchy rule? How?
I put the fonts in a good size and the shapes. For me, I combined nice colors together and some lines and shapes. I also put the text in detailed sized and fonts.

How does your page link with the other members in your group?
Every page has similarities by the color background and text fonts. There are also similarities in theme.

Based on the start of the term, where would you now rate yourself on the solo levels? Why? Maybe 3 because I already got some knowledge of making own designs and layering techniques

Children of blood and bones- Essay

“Everyone is Individual”. In the book ‘Children of blood and bones’ by Tomi Adeyemi. In this book the Author shows us that everyone is individual, we can make our own choices, our own strategies in life and be independent. 

Zelie is the chosen one who has to bring the magic back to the world by finding the three MacGuffins. If she can find this thing the magic will be back then her people will be able to defeat the evil king. Zelie chooses to sacrifice everything for her family and the people in Orisha. 

“I turn back toward Amari and try to let it go. But in her eyes, I see her brothers I feel his hands choking me”.In this scene we can see that Zelie is a desire to protect her family, she felt towards Amari before she knew her identity. It is unfair that the Royals have lived in luxury while their people lived in suffering and death. Because of the caste system in Orisha Tzain and Zelie have made a lot of assumptions about Amari. Zelie’s reaction also reflects that the fact is she doesn't have the ability to fight with personal strength. This is the same as the Tarzan that they don’t have the power to fight for the forest because the villains have their guns and weapons.

Everyone is Individual no one should be discriminated or being judged by someone, we should treat everyone fairly even they are black or white. Being Zelie is hard but she can be a model of courage for someone.

Image result for children of blood and bone essay writing

Thursday 20 June 2019

Corrosion Experiment

Aim: To investigate the factors that cause rusting in iron
Equipment: Four test tubes, test tube rack, a bung, four iron nails, boiled water, tap water, salty water, cooking oil, calcium chloride
  1. Label four test tubes A-D and place in a test tube rack
  2. Test tube Contents:
    A= Iron nail and tap water
    B= Iron nail and salty water
    C= Iron nail, boiled water, and oil
    D= Iron nail and calcium chloride. Sealed with a bung
  3. Leave the test tubes undisturbed for at least three days
Observations: The nail in salt water and water get rusted and a little bit on magnesium but the oil one didn't get rust at all. 

What are you investigating?
Were investigating the factors that cause rusting in iron
What do you think will happen? (Hypothesis)
Maybe some of the Iron will get rust and turn to the color brown. In salt water, I think the nail will be clean and turn to color to silver 
What is corrosion?
Corrosion is when metals are exposed to the environment they can deteriorate, or break down, scientist call this process corrosion. Rust is the term used to describe the corrosion of iron

Tuesday 21 May 2019

SoSt- Creative writing

Part 1

Name - Xander Ford
Occupation - Factory or machine cleaner
A bit on the back story: Eg. kids, married, criminal record, an orphan?

Pull factors
Push factors
Part 2
Details of the Journey
About their life
What ticket did you buy: Steerage

Part 3
First contact with people

Hi, I’m Xander Ford my family decided to move places from Britain to New Zealand. We decided to move because of the population and because of European gave British Immigrants legal rights as a citizen.

Here is my story. I’m just a 14 years old kid that lives in a horrible life in Britain, we have
no food to eat no house to sleep
and no proper clothes to use. I have 2 sisters and I’m the oldest one to us, my
father and I do have a job. I'm working at the factory,
controlling some machines and cleaning
some tools of it, at my young age I already experience a lot of jobs they
accept children to work, having a job is not that easy for a child but I'm doing
this for my family. One day I heard
my parents talking about our situation I heard them
talking about going to another country to live a more peaceful life to get
more nice work that can actually support our life. Being the oldest brother to our
family I have a responsibility to help my parents and to get a job.
My parents decided to go to New Zealand because of the population in Britain and they
want a better future for us. There is a lot of opportunities in New Zealand
such as a lot of job entries better houses and good education.

The Next day my mother bought a ticket for us but we couldn't afford the
expensive rooms in Cabin so my mom bought the rooms in steerage. The rooms in
steerage have dirty, small spaces and small bedrooms
what we don't have a choice just to get that steerage to go to another country. There is a
lot of differences between steerage and cabin passengers. Cabin passengers
enjoyed more spaces, privacy, and
better food. Some cabin
passengers mingled with those on steerage that we really hate about. Steerage
passengers sleep in tiers of bunks. We were provided with bedding, but not bedding. Before we arrive
in New Zealand my mother told that I don't need to work anymore as
soon we arrive in New Zealand I and my
siblings can go to school and make a better future. The time we arrived in
New Zealand I feel safe and our lives change a lot.

Wednesday 15 May 2019


In wood were doing some boomerang for about 2 weeks and some of us are done. Boomerang is some kind of toy that when you throw the toy it will back to you. First, we did some sketch before we cut it from the wood and put some designs on it. Second, we transfer the drawing to the wood so we know what size or how big we should cut on it. The last step is we put some designs on it with paint or we burn some of it to show the designs. Different types of boomerang :

Image result for different types of boomerang
Image result for different types of boomerang

Thursday 9 May 2019

Understanding stories

In English, we have been learning about Another world diversity. I think we are learning about this because we should learn about life that we don't know. Sometimes we should learn the Another world diversity so we know how to respect every culture around the world and traditions. Learning this topic is fun because I learned something that I haven't learn before it changes my perspective to others how I see other cultures in the world that every human is not same but we should treat everyone fairly.

10 stories:
CW’s Supergirl, Welcome to Earth helped me to learn that we should help each other and give some respect to the living things around you without waiting for any reward

Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games helped me to learn that we should stand up for what we believe no matter what our circumstances are.

Jk Rowlings, Harry Potter helped me to understand that money can't buy the happiness of someone and also to helped each other

Stan Lee cameo, Avengers Endgame shows that you can help everyone or you can sacrifice your life for everyone just give them another chance to live

Hinewirangi, Barriers helped me to understand that language can be a barrier for interacting with people but this is not the reason to discriminate others and to let them down

Erutan, Willow maid helped me to understand that nature is important in the earth and we should respect everything on it

Avatar the Water blending master this story helped me to understand that every problem has a solution to solve and we can help everyone to their problems

Robert Zemeckis, Forrest Gump this movie taught me that we should not give up to our dreams and try new things because we have something special that we don't know about

Brad Bird, Incredibles 2 This movie shows us that family is important in our life, that family are the first people we can ask help if we have a problem

James Cameron, Titanic  this movie helped me to understand how rich or poor we are we should respect everyone and we are all same.

Friday 12 April 2019

Asexual and Sexual - Stop motion

Asexual Reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent. Sexual reproduction in two parents contributes genetic information to produce unique offspring. Watch my Stop motion video, it's all about Asexual and sexual reproduction. 
( Thankyou Sheen for helping me to do this )

Wednesday 3 April 2019

English - Zootopia essay

Nick is a fox that has a dream he has a happy life before. Nick changed from being a normal kid that jas a dream to a complete stranger because others think that predator does not belong in Zootopia that it will be safer if the predators will not belong with them that makes Nick completely changed his life. We can see this scene

Nick began as a popsicle seller he did this every day since he was 12 years old. This is because Nick's mom leave him when he was a kid and he lives and grows by his own we see this scene when after chief Bogo want to get Judy's badge and Nick stopped it. The director wanted us to understand that Nick has a bad childhood or bad part of his life. This also helped the audience to realize that Nick still has a good heart before he becomes a stranger and a good heart on another side.

In the middle of the film, Nick is helping Judy find out what is happening, and what really happens to the predators. This is because he just wants to get evidence about his career because of Judy record his voice when he is talking. We see this scene or audio when Judy is asking about Mr.Otterton when she can find him. In this scene, the audience believes that Nick will help Judy without waiting for any reward.

At the end of the film, Nick realizes that friendship is important and Judy also realize that it is important to trust others. We see this scene when Judy has a conference when she saw all the predators and she thinks that it is because of the DNA so Nick has a chance to be a predator

Friday 29 March 2019

Spiritual Well being - HEALTH

In health, we are learning Spiritual wellbeing. Spiritual wellbeing is like the ability to integrate something that is connected to our self with nature or to another person

My family is Important to me because these are the people that I can talk to and help me if I have a problem
Of Course every day I am with my Family
I think it will affect me a lot because I really respect my family if others can’t just tell me
My Goal is like to achieve something and it helps me to motivate to achieve something
When I can achieve something or I can do something that I normally can’t
If I lose my Goal it’s like I lose everything my Goal is like to have a better future so if others can not respect it ’s their problem

My Identity Photo

Thursday 28 March 2019

Child soldier- Presentation

We present the Child soldiers about the kids that become a soldier at their age. I learned that even kids can be a soldier and country has a different law. The most useful site for me is because it shows the history of the child soldiers and what happens to the child soldiers and it really shows all the details of the child soldiers  

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Lino cutting - ART

My bird is Pipiwharauroa I try to show the positive and negative of my bird I did the positive design of the bird skin texture or like it's kind of zebra thing. I remove the background so the bird will stand out and see my focal point. I did the orphist circle like my sun at the top of the bird. I chose sky blue/ blue, white and black just to give some aesthetic thing on my art and also to show my focal point very clearly and good on eyes.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Super Girl - Seel paragraph

Seel paragraph:

SuperGirl thinks that aliens are welcome to Earth that she thinks that it’s fair that alien to live here. It is because she thinks that it’s safe even if the aliens be permanent on earth. We saw this scene when Supergirl tries to help every person around her and she wants to prove it. I think it is important to be fair to others and no discrimination or racism

Monday 4 March 2019

Slave trade triangle

What is the Slave-trade triangle?
Slave trade triangle is a triangular trade or triangle trade is a historical term indicating trade among three ports of regions. Triangular trade usually involves when a region has export commodities that are not required in the region.

The first passage: First passage was the crossing from Africa to the Americas, which the ships made carrying their cargo of slaves
Middle passage: African were taken to the Carribean and sold. They were bartered for a shipload of tobacco and cotton
Third passage: Materials like cotton and tobacco that slaves picked were sent to Europe and sold 

Interesting about the topic and why? 
It is my first time to learn a topic like this about black people or slavery and it's interesting to know where they came from and to know their history.

The link to my map:

Sunday 3 March 2019

Harriet Tubman and the Rail Road

Spiritual songs about slaves:

Go down, Moses- is an African- American spiritual, a type of lyric that is also referred to as a Negro folk song. Go Down, Moses is also said to have been sung by abolitionists to signal escape or rebellion. 

Follow the drinking Guard- The Drinking Gourd is another name for the Big Dipper asterism. According to legend, the song was used by a conductor of the Underground Railroad, called Peg Leg Joe, to guide some fugitive slaves.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Anaerobic respiration

Anaerobic respiration
Aim: to demonstrate the effects of anaerobic respiration (muscle fatigue)
Hypothesis: My hand is getting tired as I do it faster and it becomes harder every time I close and open it
Equipment: A spring-loaded clothes peg
  1. Hold the clothes peg as shown in the diagram below
  2. Relax tour fingers so that the peg closes all the way 
  3. Squeeze your thumb and forefinger so the peg is fully open
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as quickly as you can until you experience muscle fatigue 
Results/observations: you will feel that you hand or fingers (phalanges) are getting tired 
Conclusion/Discussion: I saw the pegs and my hand that my hand or fingers are having the energy to move the pegs
  1. Explain what type of respiration your cells are using
    • At the beginning of the exercise, it’s aerobic 
    • At the end of the exercise, it’s already Anaerobic
  2. Write an equation to summarize anaerobic respiration 
  3. Explain why anaerobic respiration is considered ‘wasteful’ respiration

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Tone - Art

Have you improve your understanding of tone/shading? I think I improve some of my shading most of the shadow and I can controll my hand if I want to do some dark tone and light tone.
Do you understand that drawing using structure can help you draw bettet? Yes because using some structure or ruler help me to do the work better to give us the perfect shape and to make the work more clean and straight 
What are you going to work on forward in pencil drawings in and out of class? I think more on shading or toning some shapes and I would like to learn how to do some human structure or faces 

I enjoyed doing some of this shapes I learned a lot from this and I can controll my tone easilly and I learned how to make some 3d shapes it's actually my first time to do more one charcoal because I usually draw with water color or acrylics but I love to work with charcoal and shading I hope to learn more of this toning or shading shapes and object. Here is my work from yesterday with that I drew and toned (cube) 

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Tarzan - Two Worlds One Family

Two world's one family:
It's like even if people or we have two worlds like Tarzan we are still one family we need to love and respect each other. Tarzan has two world one with the gorillas and one with the creature like him but for him he have a one family even if he's really belong to the human even he prioritize the gorillas he still think about the creature like him.

Message from the Movie:
The movie is good there are so much moral lessons that we can learn from it and give us a lesson. The movie also says like we should respect every one even if your not one of them respect the animals and the nature. We need to treat everyone the same way how we treat our self .

The movie also says that we need to respect  animals and nature because they are also a living thing that need air like us they are also and living things like us. and I like the movie how Tarzan accept the world that he's not belong even he know the truth that his a human and when Taezan respect the decision of kerchack that his not belong and in the end that kerchack realize how Tarzan love his family in the forest 

TARZAN - Two Worlds One Family

Monday 11 February 2019

Human rights

What are you learning so far? I learned the importance and what are human rights
What is the most interesting you have learnt? cool editing and the human rights
Explain what your work is and how it links to the topic? I made a poster that shows the human rights and it's connected to our topic

1- No slavery
Because slavery is bad and no one should have to go through being used by other people
No one has right to hold your in slavery

2- No torture
No one is right to torture you.
Because no one should have to go through being abused by other human beings, as it could cause long term trauma.

3- No one can take away your human rights
You have the right to own property.

4- A fair and free world
Where ever you go you should have a fair and free world that we should be treated same and fair

5- You have rights no matter where you go

You can travel wherever you want to without getting treated differently and no discrimination.