
Tuesday 20 March 2018

WONDER work Pg 158 - 204

Wonder question 158- 204

  1. Discuss the motivation for Julian's mum to photoshop August out of the class photo and it's the message it's sends to julian. Jack says he heard that not only did Julian's mother Photoshop August's face out of the class photo, but she also gave copies of the altered photo to other moms. Even if Julian's mum did that I think she's still a good mum to Julian because he took the sin just for his son 
  2. What do you make of Ms. Albans statement that August is handicapped? Do you think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on a kids to bestfriend August?Mrs. Albans attitude towards Auggie is different from most of the students. However, Mrs. Albans'attitude is the same as Julians. Mrs. Albans´ reaction is not the same as the students because all the students would just quickly glance at Auggie, but then they would just pretend that they didn't see him. When Julian saw him, he made the Darth Sidious comment about him, and he made fun of his face and called him a freak. Mrs. Albans also thought that Auggie's face was ¨disturbing¨ so she photo shopped his face out of the class picture. I think that she was not very nice when she did this, and she was also mean for saying Auggie had ¨special needs¨. 
  3. Mrs.Alban also thought that August shouldn't been allowed into beecher prep. Do you agree or disagree? explain. I disagree because that's Julian decision to bully Auggie and Mrs.Albans said that "concern that perhaps August shouldn't have been admitted to Beecher Prep and that it was too much pressure to expect Jack and Julian to befriend" but that is JAck decision also that he wanted most Auggie than Jack and that's not Mrs.Albans decision to take away Auggie from beecher prep
  4. How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys at beecher prep? Jack tries not to talk to all boys because he chooses to be a friend a man with a good heart like what he said in the part four that "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
  5. Why was justin nervous when he going to meet Olivia's parent? How did it show? How did it work out?They make plans for Justin to finally meet Via's parents. He is nervous, and his tics start showing, small muscle spasms and blinks that manifest themselves when Justin is stressed. But everything goes well and the Pullmans are very excited to meet their daughter's boyfriend they even ask about the music he plays. It is work because he said that he is not freaked out about Auggie and he think that Auggie is a good guy that's what Auggie ang pullmans like justin 
  6. why does justin great the different memeber of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting. I think just because Justin thinks that they have diferrent attirude that why he deffends on what attitude of every person that he met. 
  7. In the bus stop chapter Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this good thing to do? I think it's a bad thing because for me seperating friends for the other friends because in my own expirience when I'm get away from my friends because I need to go here in nz it's hurt me so much so I think that's not a good thing.
  8. In the chapter titled bird, Via states that she is an ' Awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? is she right? Via thinks that she is an awful person because whe Miranda starts to avoid via she thinks that she is an awful person and she don't like to know that she has a brother like Auggie beacause she thinks that when people know about Auggie they will start avoid Via.
  9. In what ways is part five different from the other part in the book? I think because of Justin because justin is the center of attraction in part five and when Via finally get happy becasue she founds Justin and when auggie found another friend like Justin I think becasue of that 

                      Dear Auggie,
I feel I owe you a personal apology for my insensitive words that I said before. You are a dear friend, and I would not intentionally hurt your feelings. Please accept my apology it's been a while since we had a good talk.

From Jack.

Dissed speak disrespectfully to or criticize.
Sarcastically in an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt.
Immaculate a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face.
Monologue a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme.
Theorem a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths.

Ed sheeran- DIVE
I think this song is like their situation or before they met cause when justin first time he met Via she feel that he like fall in love and even Via say the truth that she has a brother like Auggie they still strong in  in their relationship  


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