
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Hankering Hot-X-Buns!

We cooked Hot Buns yesterday at 26th of March at the Home Economics room. It's really tasted good I love most the Icing the Icing really taste good
I cooked with  Loishane and Tana cause Nishnit and Henry need to go with their Thai Buddy, We have own responsibilites did.
I'm proud of  we did it in time actually we are the second group that finish baking and i'm proud because Tana participated with are group and he's not being silly kid
The ingredients are

  • Flour
  • baking powder 
  • butter
  • honey
  • cinnamon
  • raisins 
  • milk
I just send the picture that were are the ingredients and method are in:
We did it all correct cause we did the team work and thats all YUMMY!

Here are some picture while we are baking

Friday 23 March 2018

Musical teatre

We are praticing This is me ( The greatest showman ) we start practicing ( actually I cant remember) but I think we spend 4 week for practicing this musical teatre I love the part when Dylan and Flynn will do the backlift that's one of the most amazing part. everytime I watched the videos I saw our improvement in every week and I love our every week new choreo, even if my friends always shouting at me but I know I did my best but that's ok cause I think my best is not enough for them. I like the first part also when Stacey and Jade sing together. I think we just need to change the last part because that quiet messy we need to add some choreo over there, but it's Ms.Richardson ( Handley ) decision.
Here are some pictures at week 7:

Actually I don't know what to wear but I think I gonna wear the 1 full set costume 


Aim: To seperate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.
Equipment: Inks from ballpoint pens, marker pens or food colouring, 250 mL beaker, strip of filter paper, scissors, adhesive tape, pencil or ice-blosck stick, chromatography solution


  1. Cut a strip of filter paper that is long enough to reach the bottom of your beaker and able to wrap around your pencil ice-block stick
  2. rule a line in pencil approximately 2 cm from the bottom of your piece of paper
  3. Fill your beaker with enough chromatography solution to fill your beaer to a depth of 1 cm 
  4. place a dot of ink so repeated applications may be neccesarry.
  5. suspend the strip of paper from the pencil or stick. You may need to use adhesive tape to stop it from falling int othe sollution.
  6. wait to see what happens. It is important that you do not disturb the beaker. If the solution comes in the contact with the ink dot, the ink will run down into the solution, rather than move up the filter paper

Wednesday 21 March 2018


Seperating a mixture using Distillation
Aim: To seperate  a solute from a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation
Equipment: A solution of saltwater, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube and bung, Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head and clamp, boiling tube.

  1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
  2. Add aproximately 50 ml of saltwater in conical flask.
  3. Light you bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen burner under the tripod.
  4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off you bunsen burner

Observations: The mixture is heated in a flask. Ethanol has a lower boiling point than water so it evaporates first. The ethanol vapour is then cooled and condensed inside the condenser to form a pure liquid.For example, liquid ethanol can be separated from a mixture of ethanol and water by fractional distillation. This method works because the liquids in the mixture have different boiling points. When the mixture is heated, one liquid evaporates before the other.

SATISFYING cupcakes!!!

We made Cupcakes in Home Economics at  20th of March 
We made cupcakes it's really taste good it has icing in the top of the cupcakes its hard to spread  
 I thin because we use a solid dairy and we didn't melted it
I made it with the always group I use to cook we still have a team work and own responsibilities
I'm proud because we did it correctly not as good as the icing
I will improve next time nothing cause we did it all like what we need to improve that was so impressive
If you could change  anything about this expirience what would it be and why? I don't know what it is but I think i will improve our cooking we will cooked more than we expected

Tuesday 20 March 2018

WONDER work Pg 158 - 204

Wonder question 158- 204

  1. Discuss the motivation for Julian's mum to photoshop August out of the class photo and it's the message it's sends to julian. Jack says he heard that not only did Julian's mother Photoshop August's face out of the class photo, but she also gave copies of the altered photo to other moms. Even if Julian's mum did that I think she's still a good mum to Julian because he took the sin just for his son 
  2. What do you make of Ms. Albans statement that August is handicapped? Do you think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on a kids to bestfriend August?Mrs. Albans attitude towards Auggie is different from most of the students. However, Mrs. Albans'attitude is the same as Julians. Mrs. Albans´ reaction is not the same as the students because all the students would just quickly glance at Auggie, but then they would just pretend that they didn't see him. When Julian saw him, he made the Darth Sidious comment about him, and he made fun of his face and called him a freak. Mrs. Albans also thought that Auggie's face was ¨disturbing¨ so she photo shopped his face out of the class picture. I think that she was not very nice when she did this, and she was also mean for saying Auggie had ¨special needs¨. 
  3. Mrs.Alban also thought that August shouldn't been allowed into beecher prep. Do you agree or disagree? explain. I disagree because that's Julian decision to bully Auggie and Mrs.Albans said that "concern that perhaps August shouldn't have been admitted to Beecher Prep and that it was too much pressure to expect Jack and Julian to befriend" but that is JAck decision also that he wanted most Auggie than Jack and that's not Mrs.Albans decision to take away Auggie from beecher prep
  4. How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys at beecher prep? Jack tries not to talk to all boys because he chooses to be a friend a man with a good heart like what he said in the part four that "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye."
  5. Why was justin nervous when he going to meet Olivia's parent? How did it show? How did it work out?They make plans for Justin to finally meet Via's parents. He is nervous, and his tics start showing, small muscle spasms and blinks that manifest themselves when Justin is stressed. But everything goes well and the Pullmans are very excited to meet their daughter's boyfriend they even ask about the music he plays. It is work because he said that he is not freaked out about Auggie and he think that Auggie is a good guy that's what Auggie ang pullmans like justin 
  6. why does justin great the different memeber of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting. I think just because Justin thinks that they have diferrent attirude that why he deffends on what attitude of every person that he met. 
  7. In the bus stop chapter Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this good thing to do? I think it's a bad thing because for me seperating friends for the other friends because in my own expirience when I'm get away from my friends because I need to go here in nz it's hurt me so much so I think that's not a good thing.
  8. In the chapter titled bird, Via states that she is an ' Awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? is she right? Via thinks that she is an awful person because whe Miranda starts to avoid via she thinks that she is an awful person and she don't like to know that she has a brother like Auggie beacause she thinks that when people know about Auggie they will start avoid Via.
  9. In what ways is part five different from the other part in the book? I think because of Justin because justin is the center of attraction in part five and when Via finally get happy becasue she founds Justin and when auggie found another friend like Justin I think becasue of that 

                      Dear Auggie,
I feel I owe you a personal apology for my insensitive words that I said before. You are a dear friend, and I would not intentionally hurt your feelings. Please accept my apology it's been a while since we had a good talk.

From Jack.

Dissed speak disrespectfully to or criticize.
Sarcastically in an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt.
Immaculate a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face.
Monologue a long speech by one actor in a play or film, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast programme.
Theorem a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning; a truth established by means of accepted truths.

Ed sheeran- DIVE
I think this song is like their situation or before they met cause when justin first time he met Via she feel that he like fall in love and even Via say the truth that she has a brother like Auggie they still strong in  in their relationship  


WONDER work Pg 118-157

Wonder work Pg 118-157
  1. What was Summer's initial reaction to August face? Why did they become friends she just like see a normal kid and she don't like others that when they touch Auggie they get a bacteria, they become friends because she thinks Auggie is kind and she saw how Auggie is so lonely in the cafeteria an she try to become friends with Auggie. 
  2. Summer isn't in the popular group at school, why is she invited to Savanna's party? Savanna only invited Summer because tease Summer to Auggie that she's saying that Summer's boyfriend is Auggie she tease Summer at the front of many student even summer don't know that will happen so she go in the party
  3. How does summer foster a relationship with Auggie, in what ways is it benificial for them both? Auggie got a new friend so he would not be lonely again , and summer has a new friend to because she don'r have many friends too.
  4. Part 4 starts with the quote " now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye". What does it mean? It means that the essential things in life are seen not with the eyes, but with the heart one sees clearly only with the heart anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
  5. What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr.Tushman's request to show August around the school? What made Jack decided to say 'yes' to Mr. Tushman request? Because Jack's mom continues to encourage Jack to help out Auggie, insisting that it is important to treat Auggie fairly despite how he looks. Finally, Jack agrees. He realizes that while there will always be kids who are jerks in general, even generally nice kids such as Jamie can be mean to people like Auggie, which means that Auggie does not stand a chance in middle school.
  6. Friendship can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and August becoming Ex-friends? How does he feel when he finds out why? Because for him august is special he like august when he first met August and when they have a fight or we might say August get mad to Jack because of Jack said jack feel that he lost a super special friend and he like Augie more than Julian
  7. How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do? I can't say it's right because they are tou young but that aproppriate thing to do to Julian to stop and I think it's wrong casue even you old or young you don't need to hurt people even they do wrong to you
  8. How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character?We can be right inside the events, seeing Jack as a terrifying, painted chief; or we can be way up high and objective, seeing Jack as a stupid-looking little boy in a crazy black hat.
  9. Predict how you think Auggie will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have own their friendship? I think auggie will be schoked because he don't know what happen to to them and I think Auggie and jack will be friends again

Wednesday 14 March 2018

HUNGRY spiced Apple Muffins!

We cooked Muffins with cinnamon an apple ofcourse I cooked with the same group nishnit, shane, and henry. I didn't taste it because I don't like cinnamon
We are proud because we did in time like we didn't get last time we cook and were proud because my family said that it's taste good
The ingredients are mostly sugar, cinnamon, apple, and flour, I will not say the other ingredients cause it's have so much ingredients
Next time we will improve that we will clean our kitchen properly because we left the sink wet and we will read the instruction carefully cause we didn't read the instruction

I LOVE THIS MUFFIN!! ( even if I didn't taste it)

Tuesday 13 March 2018

WONDER work Pg 81-117

Wonder Work Pg  81-117
  1. Explain how the point of view in part 2 is different fron that in part 1? Do they match up?yeah I think because every story and in every part are not same they always change because in part 1 august was happy and his explaining his life in part 2 they are changes come when he start schooling and in that part his not the one that telling the story that is the narrator
  2. In atleast a pharagrap decribe the challenges do you think Via might face being Auggie's sister?I think Via's life is so challenging even I am via i can't handle her suation I dont know how via can face that I think just because Via loves her mom and dad so she sacrifice her happiness for Auggie
  3. Via says "August is the Sun" Explain what she means and why she feels this way when Via says august is the Sun and they are the planets that orbiting the sun it's just like that august is center of antraction and they cares to august more than her sister
  4. Do you agree with Via that she and her parents had made a mistake by trying to always make August feel he is normal? Is this a problem? Explain.sometimes I would say yes sometimes I would say no because Auggie's feeling about his self is like a boss in their house no will judge him even he's not doing right and if it is Via trying to feel auggie is normal that's good because I think Via is a good sister even if Auggie's face is like that she still consider Auggie as a normal.
  5. Why does Via go by Olivia at highschool? How is Via finding highschool?Because they are best friends I think Via in highschool is challenging even if I didn't yet read the story in this page it's just a suggestion
  6. What are the odds of via  having a child look like August? Do you think this are good odds? Explain. for me I think it's not because  she has a difficult challenges how about if she had a child like that
  7. Explore the charater Miranda? Why did she call August at the end of part 2? Explain.Because Miranda want to back in her past life when she's with Via's family and because Via and Miranda is not good at that time so she needed some help from auggie
  8. Describe Via as a character? Do you empathise with her?I describe Via being sister to her brother auggie she's a good sister even in the first part she's being a good sister she sacrifice her happiness for auggie
  9. What do you think will happen to August when he returns to school?I think auggie will be just the same there are some children that will buly auggie but there's a friend that can help auggie in his problem

Fashionista -A fashionista is a slang term for people who like fashion. It can be anyone: a supermodel, a fashion designer or even an ILAC student who loves to wear something stylish and fashionable.
Celestial - a method of contolling the flight of a missile or spacecraft  by reference to the positions of celestialbodies
Flabbergasted - like you are shocked, pretty much speechless. Use the adjective flabbergasted to describe someone who's astouned or suprised for any reason, good or bad  

WONDER work Pg 41-80

Wonder Work Pg 41-80
  1. Star wars is one of Auggie's passion. Why do you think it is? Do you see any reason for Auggie to identify with this characters, or to aspire to be like them?I think Star Wars is one of Auggie's passion because that is what he likes and it is like how others do to just like him and I  think that Auggie likes star wars because in the book, he says that he is not like most kids. I think that star wars makes Auggie think that he has something in common with normal kids because star wars is something that lots of normal kids enjoy. That's why I think that Auggie likes star wars.
  2. What question did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian ask those question. Julian ask August "why do you have that tiny braid in the back of your hair? Is that like the Padawan thing?" I think Julian wants to ask because he's confussing abbout the hair and I think he just see the first time the like that and august said just "I guess." not looking up because what I really wanted was to just slide under the desk
  3. Mr.Browne's September precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind'. Do you agree with this precept?Mr.Browne. That Precept goes deeper than most people think. That certain precept, I think it means to be the one who draws the line. To say whats right, or to be the one to think ho YOU would feel. If it means being right, but possibly hurting someone, then, we all know the answer. We be kind, because, inside, you never know what they go through. Be the one to realize that, and maybe you'll get the precept
  4. In the cahapter 1 to 10, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. explain why his mad?
  5. August invited his whole class to his birthday party but he's not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go? he invites everyone in his class, but only six of them come. He also learns that nobody wants to touch him, and if someone does accidentally brush up against him, they run away quickly to wash their hands. Even the parents get involved
  6. August say he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion?An aversion is also the person or thing that is the object of such intense dislike her aversions included all kinds of vegetables and fruits. This noun is from Latin avertio, ultimately from avertere "to turn away," from the prefix a- "from" plus vertere"to turn." Near synonyms are repugnanace and antiphaty.
  7. Why does no one want to touch august? How do you think this make him feel?I think August hurt to much because of that I thin beacause they don't want to touch august because they think they will be like August face
  8. Did your opinion Jack Will change after august overhead him talking to Julian?explain. yeah I think if you watch the movie jack will change beacause of Auggie and Julian become mad because Auggie and Jack is bacame friends.
  9. Do you think August will back to school? predict what will happen next? Yeah because he has few friends in the school and in one year he face the bullies with his self and friends and I think because of that Auggie got love the school and I think there's still a bully come to Auggie

Black Death Seel paragraph

The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, Great Plaugenor simply Plauge, was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia and peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. The bacterium Yersinia pestis, which results in several forms of plauge, is believed to have been the cause. The plague created a series of religious, social, and economic upheavals, which had profound effects on the course of European history.

The Black Death is thought to have originated in the dry plains of central asia, where it then travelled along the Silk road, reaching Crimea by 1343. From there, it was most likely carried by Orienta rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterannian and Europe.
The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30–60% of Europe's total population. In total, the plague may have reduced the world population from an estimated 450 million down to 350–375 million in the 14th century. It took 200 years for the world population to recover to its previous level. The plague recurred as outbreaks in Europe until the 19th century.

Monday 12 March 2018

Yummy SCONE!

 Related image  
On 27th of Feb I created Scones that we baked it's a bread with a cheese at the top you can choose your own topings and it's smell good and the taste its actually good but not the kind of bread that I wanted.
I cooked with Loishane, Nisnit, Henry we have a own work some one is cooking some one is getting the ingredients or someone is getting the tools that we needed.
We were proud about that we have a team work and we finish it even if it not good as I thought and were not have saome risk 
Next time we will improve how we cook how we baked in time and our chair will be in proper position or in proper place and use the time properly

WONDER Pg 11-43

Wonder work question:
          Wonder Work Pg 11-43

  1. What was August one wish that he wanted? August wanted was to go to school, but only if he could be like every other kid going to school. If I change my appearance it could be, not actually my appearance I think my atittude I will not explain to much but I just want to say I actually dont like my atittude.
  2. What do you think it means to be ordinary? What make august extraordinary? I will based the question what auggie's said that the ordinary kids can run, full of confidence to see their faces. Auggie's classmates learn over the course of the novel that they cannot judge him based on the way he looks and eventually get to know the brilliant, kind ... This outlook is different even from how his protective family views him; others think of Auggie as extraordinary
  3. how do people react when they see Auggie's face for the first time?Auggie knows the look people get when they see his face for the first time, because he experiences it every day. Whether it's the park or the grocery store, it is always the same look. Even if they are polite, their face still wears it for a split second. I'm not shock because that is not the first time that I saw face like that in my expirience auggie is not the worst face I ever seen.
  4. August dad said,"So sending him off to the middle school like a lamb to the slaughter" what does this mean?It means that they are sending him off to a place where he won't be safe from other peoples judgement anymore. It also means he doesn't know what he is getting himself into by making the decision to go to school.
  5. Would you send Auggie to school if you were his mom and dad?Explain why or why not. If I'm auggust mom i will send him to school because every children has a right to go at school and if auggie want to I will send him beacause every person has a freedom to choice and to learn in the right way
  6. What white lie did august mom tell? why did she do it? Are white lies ok to tell?Miranda continued telling these lies and grew more popular; eventually, when she went home, she decided to reconnect with ella but to leave out Via, since Ella would be an easier friend to have and would not ask her a lot of questions about the summer that she would not want to answer.
  7. Auggie decided he like Ms.Garcia - when she wasn't wearing her shiny smile what is a 'shiny smile'?When Mrs. Garcia was talking to Auggie he said she had a “shiny smile,” but when she was talking with Auggie’s mom her smile changed. Auggie felt, “I guess I liked Mrs. Garcia when she wasn’t wearing her shiny smile.”
  8. How does auggie know the first time he meets julian that he will be a bully? What are some the ways that Julian bullies Auggie?how does Auggie respond?I totally agree that Julian was a bully because all he did was ask August questions that he knew was wrong. Julian on the first day he met August asked him, What's the deal with your face?(page 29)." This was completely rude and from the start August knew he was not gonna be kind or generous to me. This are some reasons why he was such a bully. I liked how you brought back evidence from the book, it really helped with knowing where everything was.

Thursday 8 March 2018


What is migration? migration is a movement of one person or object to another place. Migration is happens for a range of reason like economic, social, political or environmental. There are two type of migration the one is Internal migration it means change of residence with national boundaries, the other one is International migration it means change of boundaries over national boundaries.

Here our some mindmap of all the tradition of my family

The dirty water problem

I want to investigate how to filter dirty water and make it safe to drink

No hypothesis needed


  • Dirty contaminated water 
  • 3x funnels
  • stand
  • 3x clamps
  • pebbles
  • sand
  • cotton
  • charcoal
  • paper towel
  • Bunsen

Wednesday 7 March 2018

starving PIZZA SWIRLS!

Image result for pizza swirls description

I created PIZZA SWIRLS it is nice but it's not like the real pizza it's like a round bread but it's taste likea pizza that why it's calle pizza swirls. There are so many kind of pizza out there... thin base, deep pan, stuffed crust, or even with a polenta or naan bread base. But by rolling it up and cutting into swirls it makes it perfect for a packed lunch or picnic.
I cooked with my previous friends like nishnit, loishane, and henry there's no changes in our work it is still pretty good
We were proud about that we made it correctly it taste pretty good like a real pizza and I'm proud because we made with a team work
Next time we will improve the time that we were spend like yesterday we don't have enough time to bake so that we are late to go home.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Milhazes Art

Related image

What are some ways they have compose their image well?
I like the combination of the colors the collaboration of shapes the design of each shape. I like it because of the kind of leaves beside the big circle on the left side, but I don't like the stripes line is kind of pretty bad but I'm not saying it's but I love this painting
What can you tkae from this work and apply to your own work?
I think the leaves on the left side cause it's so pretty good I love the combination of color and the different shape and I love the collab of the circles and thei color and thei shape  and the design in each circle.

Monday 5 March 2018

My Family crest

My family crest
love my family crest because it is represent
me, my family, my country and it's saying what is my family hobbies

The lion= represent our strong that whatever fight or sadness we will always strongp
The Flag=it's a Philippines flag it's my country flag that where I came from
The castle=represent that even if we are not reach we were always complete and our house is full of happiness
The name= it's just my surname 
The logo= I just want to put it