
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Nachos 🌮🌮🌮

We made Nachos yesterday Tuesday 29th of May I like it very much because it taste good the cheese and the tomato make it really taste good I think when we put in microwave that makes the nachos softer. I made with Loishane, Nishnit, and Jordan I also think the beans make it sour even if we didn't finish eat because the nachos is not enough for us we still enjoy eating it and in this week we didn't make any mistake cause we did it right. i think next time we will improve to eat all the food that we cook and not just throw it in the bin. It's easy to cook you can add other ingredients you wanted


  • 1T Oil
  • 1/2 onion
  • 2-4 Mushrooms
  • 1/2 C corn
  • 1/2 C green beans 
  • 1/2 can chopped tomatoes 
  • 1/2 can red chili beans 
  • Corn chip
  • 1/2 C Grated cheese
  • Sour cream to serve 


Step 1 
Gather equipment & ingredients in correct amounts!
Preheat the grill to high.

Step 2 
Slice mushrooms

Step 3 
In a large non-stick pan:
Saute onion with a 1T of Oil for 2-3 mins (until clear) 

Step 4
To the pan add:
Corn, beans, 1/2 can of tomatoes, 1/2 can of chili or baked beans
Stir, for 3-4 mins until tomato is just softened

Step 5
Arrange a large handful of corn chips around a plate
Spoon the bean mixture into the middle of the plate
Sprinkle cheese on top, place under the grill to melt

Step 6 
Remove form the oven with gloves
Serve with sour cream

Thursday 24 May 2018

SoSt activities


Activity 6/7
S= New Zealand is a country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean consisting of 2 main islands, both marked by volcanoes and glaciation. Capital Wellington, on the North Island, is home to Te Papa Tongarewa, the expansive national museum. Wellington’s dramatic Mt. Victoria, along with the South Island’s Fiordland and Southern Lakes, stood in for mythical Middle Earth in Peter Jackson’s "Lord of the Rings" films. The New Zealand using a MMP voting It is a proportional system, which means that the proportion of votes a party gets will largely reflect the number of seats it has in parliament.

E=The term Government of New Zealand can have a number of different meanings. At its widest, it can refer collectively to the three traditional branches of government—the executive branchlegislative branch (the Queen-in-Parliament and House of Representatives) and judicial branch(the Supreme Court and subordinate courts). Each branch operates independently of the others in an arrangement described as "separation of powers".

E=New Zealand was granted colonial self-government in 1853 following the New Zealand Constitution Act 1852, which was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Governments were set up at both central and provincial level, with initially six provinces. The provinces were abolished by the Abolition of Provinces Act 1876, during the premiership of Harry Atkinson. For the purposes of the Act, the provinces formally ceased to exist on 1 January 1877.


Friday 18 May 2018

Wonder Venn Diagram

What am I learning?
I'm learning how to compare two thing and what are the difference and their similar

How does this show my learning?
by doing venn diagram to see the differences and similarities of the wonder book and movie

What am I wondering?
How do they know the real or exact life of Auggie?

Thursday 17 May 2018

David Dallas New Zealand artist

Watch my video in the link above ^^^ ( sorry for the video I can't download the video ) 

What am I learning? 
I'm learning new thing or new people and new song of New Zealand

How does this show my learning?
By doing a video animator I can show my learning what New Zealand artist has

What am I wondering?
How many artist does New Zealand has and how they start singing?

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Pita pockets 🌮🌮

Image result for pita pocketswe made a pita pockets yesterday 15th of May. It really taste taste good it's like made of salad so it's healthy and it has a bread I'm going to write the ingredients below check it out. I cooked with Loishane and Jordan. Actually it is my first time to get a 3 X in the board I admit that I did the one mistake that I eat even the area was not yet clean the other one was Jordan's mistake his cutting in the wrong board and his not focus on what he cutting, the other one was we thought that we clean properly our surface but there still some chicken or vegetable was left I think we need to improve all of that because that was a shameful one, even though we got all that X we still cooked right and that was what i'm proud of. The nutrients that you get was carbohydrates (pita pockets), sodium, calories.


  • 1 pita casing per person
  • Lettuce
  • Cheese
  • Tomato
  • Grated carrot
  • 1/4 onions
  • 1t oil
  • Sauces - tomato, bbq, mayo, hummus, chilli
  • 70 grams of chicken or 1 breast per table

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Word Vomit 🤩🤩🤩

How we treat the Earth has a direct impact on the animals of the world. This includes not only wildlife, but also companion animals and animals used in industry. Since the whole world is interrelated, if you care about animals, you also must care about the environment in order to protect them. Protect wild animals not only the popular animals, animals needed some help even if they can’t understand us give them food to eat, clothes to wear and even love and care. Do this for animals sake don’t kill them they have their own family like you, family that always there for you giving you a love and care so take care also the living things because like you that is God’s creation.

Friday 4 May 2018


Using the website below, research some of the history, traditions and celebrations around Matariki. Create a piktochart infographic to share what you've discover.

TASK 2: Maori music with a modern Audience
By now you have probably encountered traditional style of Maori music
-What style of music is this / who performs it / what inspired them to write it?
-What did you like about the music?
-What did you like about the video?
-Find out what song is about, can you find aw translator of some of the lyrics?
-Found another Maori musical artist and share there work on your blog along with your answers from the above. 

The music is style like  blues, jazz, country, rock and roll and hip hop, with many of these genres given a unique New Zealand interpretation. It performs or sing by Stan Walker. I think they inspired because of the tradition of New Zealand. 
- I like it because it is a song for New Zealand it is nice to hear even though I don't know the words but I like the tone and the music video.
- I like about the video is when they are capturing the nature of New Zealand the mountains and the snows the trees, sea, and waterfalls and there team work when they are doing the Aotearoa with recyclables things.
- It's about the freedom of New Zealand and it's about the beautiful nature of New Zealand  

- It's like jazz, country, blues. It is sing by Modern Māori Quartet feat.with Awhimai Fraser 'Māreikura'. 
- I like about it is the tone of it's like the Aotearoa it's nice to hear because of it's smooth song and they sing it so nicely even if it's a Maori song you really can express the song because of the tone.
- I think I like the expression of the singer like how they sing it with expression in their face that's only what I really like about because they are only in the studio like recording the song so I don't know what is all about.
- I don't really know what is all about because I can't really translate it to English so sorry for this little trouble I will be great next time

- It's like a hip hop with a little bit of jazz and it's not rock at all. It's perform by Maimoa with (here is the link).
- I like about this is it's sing with so much people it's like a happy song and it's with a dance
- I like because it';s a happy dance they have a solo part and they give chance to others to be part of a song.
- I think it's about the gender or attitude or their outside body appearance that they are proud what they have in their country It's just my opinion because of it's music video that's what I think that is all about .
- It's about jazz. It's sing by Rob Ruha  and The Witch Dr. I think it is all about family or friends
- I like about it the tone again and the expression of the song that can thoroughly go to your soul
-I like the nature the dance choreo and the people participate with the song  
- I think it's about the family and friends that they have time to each other and their closeness
- It's a rock music with a guitar. It's perform by Aorere Sweet sixteen.
- Ilike because it's cool the song is nice
- it's just a music video so I can't say what it is all about
-  Idont know cause I cant see the translation of it

sorry for other answer because I dont know what is the meaning of the lyrics and I can't see the meaning of the song there is no translation that I can't see)

Particle Theory of Matter - Convection

Observing Convection 1
Aim: To observe convection in a liquid 
Equipment: 200 mL beaker, water, tweezers, a crystal of potassium, permanganate, a drinking straw, Bunsen burner, heat mat, tripod and gauze mat.
  1. Set up a Bunsen burner on a heat proof mat. Put the gauze mat on the tripod but leave it just to one side of the Bunsen burner.
  2. Fill a 200 mL beaker with 150 mL cold water.
  3. Place the beaker on top of the tripod and gauze and allow it to settle for a few minutes.
  4. carefully insert a drinking straw down one side of the beaker, ensuring the straw is touching the bottom of the beaker. Be careful as you do not want to disturb the water too much.
  5. Using tweezers, drop a crystal of potassium permangante down the inside of the straw. Wait for the crystal to settle on the bottom of the beaker.
  6. Very gentle, so to not disturb the water, remove the straw.
  7. Light the Bunsen and Slide it under the tripod so that you are only heating the outside of the beaker where the crystal is. Observe.
Observation: The particle colour from the permanganate rises vertically, then travels horizontally across the surface of the water. Small circular currents can be seen transferring the purple colour through the beaker.

Explanation: When the water nearest the Bunsen flame is heated, the space between the water particles increases. This means this region of water becomes less dense and rises. Denser colder water flows into replace the rising water. This set ups a convection current. 
This is the Hot water:
This is the Cold water:

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Particle Theory of Matter - Conduction

The Dropping Pins Experiment
Aim: To observe conduction along a metal rod
Equipment: A metal rod, retort stand and clam, Bunsen burner, petroleum jelly, 5-10 drawing pins, a stop watch
  1. Set up and light a Bunsen burner.
  2. Smear a small amount of petroleum jelly on to the head of each drawing pin.
  3. Attach the drawing pins at even intervals along the length of the metal rod.
  4. Clamp one end of the metal rod to a retort stand.
  5. Position the retort stand so the unclamped end of the metal rod is in the Bunsen flame and start the stop watch .
  6. Record the time it takes for each pin to drop in the table below.
                      PIN NUMBER                                                   TIME TO DROP (S)
                                 1                                                                        1 m 13 sec
                                 2                                                                        4 m 24 sec
                                 3                                                                        6 m 25 sec
                                 4                                                                        8 m 24 sec
                                 5                                                                      10 m 31 sec

Investigating States changes

Aim: to observe water as it changes state from solid to liquid and then to a gas


  • 250 ml beaker 
  • thermometer 
  • Bunsen burner
  • heatproof mat
  • tripod
  • gauze mat
  • stopwatch
  • retard stamp and clamp
  • ice cubes

  1. collect enough ice so that your beaker is half full and place 

Behaviour of matter - Expansion

Behaviour of Matter-Expansion
When particle are heated, they begin to move around more and the space between the particles increases, causing the substance. Notice that the particles are vibrating more. Because of this, they are bumping into each other and the distance between the particles increases. This means the solid will expand.

Describe the effects of heat on:

  1. The movement particles of solid, liquid, and gasses, the particles of a gas move quickly and are able to spread apart from one another. The particles of a liquid are able to move past each other.The particles of a solid are not able to move out of their positions relative to one another, but do have small vibrational movements.
  2. The size of the particles In Materials science and Colloidal chemistry, the term colloidal particle is about a small amount of matter having size typical for colloids and with a clear phase boundary. The dispersed-phase particles have a diameter between approximately 1 and 1000 nanometers.
  3. The space between the particles The empty space between the atomic cloud of an atom and its nucleus is just that: empty space, or vacuum. That's the simple answer, but there are a few subtleties Sub-atomic particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons need to be treated as quantum objects.
  4. The size of the substance distribution of active ingredients and excipients is an important physical characteristic of the materials used to create pharmaceutical products. The size, distribution and shape of the particles can affect bulk properties, product performance, processability, stability and appearance of the end product.
Behaviour of Matter - Contraction
Solids, liquids and gasses all expand when they are heated. Similarly, When substance are cooled they contract as the particles move closer together 

The Imploding can
Aim: To observe contraction in gases 
Equipment: Aluminium can, scissor tongs, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, tripod, gauze mat, an open container of water.
  1. Set up a Bunsen burner underneath a tripod and gauze mat.
  2. Pour approximately 50-60 mL of water into your can. It should be no more than 1/4 full.
  3. Heat the can of water until steam is seen is escaping from the top.
    Carefully grip the can with the scissor tongs. Ensure you have a firm hold of the can before lifting off the gauze mat.
  4. Quickly, but very carefully, invert the can as you plunge it into a container of water.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Wonder Work Essay (word vomit)

Describe a character or individual that you dislike or admire in the written text. Explain how your feelings towards this character helped you to understand the text as whole.

First of all I choose this topic because I understand their character and their situation. First I admire Via and Jack because of their braveness for Auggie, I admire Via because I saw her loyalty to Auggie and even if Auggies face is like that she's still proud to be a sister to Auggie and she's always their to support Auggie and to help Auggie in his every little problem. I also admire Jack because his friendly, he's caring and he don't care what other people say about him and his not like others kid like choosing a friend and he don't care what Auggie's face is. His polite, caring, nice, kind, bighearted, admirable, respectful etc. I think he got the all good attitude of all

Before reading this book if I saw someone like Auggie I would have definitely reacted differently.The character I think I would have reacted similar to would be Charlotte. In the book August says when he meets Charlotte “she gave me a quick wave, a smile, and said nice to meet you”. If I were to meet someone like Auggie I probably would have done something similar. Before reading, Wonder I am sad to say at first glance I would have looked at someone with facial deformities and assumed he or she had special needs. Like Charlotte I wouldn’t give them a handshake. I just didn’t give my actions any thought and poor people like Auggie had careless and unaware people doing things all the time that made him feel bad about himself while he had no control over it. After reading this book I would most definitely react differently to someone like August.  I would now not look down upon someone like August but I would actually look up to him or her because I can now realize their struggles and understand how hard it must be to be the person who stands out and has the deformed face

Another example from “Wonder” that I would react differently to after reading this book would be when Charlotte secretly told Jack about the war and why everyone wasn’t talking to him. Now since I have heard what was going from Auggie and Jack’s perspectives I would be on Jacks side and not care what people thought about me because I would be doing the right thing. Overall I am very happy I read the book Wonder. I would have never given as much thought about people like Auggie if I hadn’t read this book.  Only seeing someone with a deformed face does not really make me think about how it must feel to be him or her.

Word Vomit
I saw a homeless old woman walking around the city the woman dressed in untold layers, her hair is like tied back and like a  white hair of old people. And he has a wound mark in a face from like getting a trouble or an accident, her lips was like a charcoal and Her lips have been fattened and her eyelashes are false, it was a misty dark cold night were even the moon had no effect of light, she’s like starving and needed a food she’s so skinny, you will saw in her eyes that she need a help of love and care from a family. People like her or like her age need a care for a daily life I don’t even know how she survive to like. The woman is clearly old but fighting it every step of the way. She was at the point that the more effort she made to appear youthful the worse she would look.

Challenger Deep Seel Paragraph

S= Neal Shusterman is the author of the book. The challenger deep is the deepest known point in the Earth’s seabed hydrosphere. The challenger deep is a relatively small slot-shape depression in the bottom of a considerably larger crescent shape, Challenger deep is a heartfelt tour de force by New York The illustrations that Caden drew were actually made by your son. Caden says of the drawings, “There’s this thing in my head that I have to purge onto the page before it changes the shape of my brain.” 

E= The challenger deep is all about the Sirena Deep, which lies 124 miles to the east of Challenger Deep, is a bruising 35,462 feet deep . By comparison, Mount Everest stands at 29,026 feet above sea level, meaning the deepest part of the Mariana Trench. And its about a high school student named Caden Bosch. He has a very vivid imagination, so vivid that his friends and family think he is in his early stages of mental illness. During the majority of this novel he has very odd dreams, dreams that he isnt sure which id reality

E= Challenger Deep is about a high school student named Caden Bosch. He has a very vivid imagination that he believes that he's on on a ship to Challenger deep, which is the deepest point on earth. Throughout his journey he, his friends and family start to notice odd things about him and come to the relization the he has a mental disability.
