
Monday 26 November 2018

Creative Writing - Free Writing


I grew up in wickedness
No one taught me of kindness
In every sin I did
No one can forgive
I’m ashamed, I’m ashamed.
I feel discrimination
And a lot of limitation

I’m desire of freedom
I have no friends, no love to share
I wasted a lot of cry
No one spare me from die
I cry every night and fake every day

But the day came
The sadness fade
With all his faith
God gave me hope
To accept the things that I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference.
I realised that never lose Hope
Always have faith
It allows you to cope.

Monday 19 November 2018


What is orienteering?
Orienteering is a cross country race in which participants use a highly deatailed map and compass to navigate their way between checkpoints along an unfamiliar course

What are the most usefull things that need for Orienteering?
In Orienteering need a Compass  and map to find the place that we need to go this are the most usefull things that we need. Compass show your the way that you need to go and Map can show you the actuall place to go or where it was plant.

How does Orienteering work?
Orienteering can be a race, or a casual recreational activity, depending totally on your own attitude towards the event. A typical events, you will find people of all athletic abilities. Orienteering is considered a competatitve sport by some.

What are the things that we need to do in Orienteering?
If you are doing the Orienteering your body need a exercise and strong to do the work. it also need brain to do it need some thingking to solve the work and to find the things that you need to find. Orienteering also challenge your self to do it to successfully do the work and done it. We also need to enjoy the social interaction and need some cooperation to each other's to done the task faster and quicker and most of all is to Have fun and enjoy the Orienteering.

Image result for what is orienteering

Monday 12 November 2018

Outdoor Education learns

In the first day of outdoor education we are learning some things that we are mostly need to do or use in a activity and what is the most useful to use of them. We are also discussing about the safety and the skills that we must have in the activity and that we must do. We are also leaning the uses of them and how to use them properly and safety and what is the best thing that we should use. They are also discussing what should we do if there's a moment that we lose it and we fogot to bring one of them. Having this learning can save our life and it can make us to do the activity easier and less to damage or trouble.

The most useful things for climbing is the harness, Karabiners and the Belay it makes you climb safely it will not break it you are using it for climbing, but the more we use it in the wrong way or wrong position it may cause danger. There are more things that there's no one the list but the things on the list is the most important of all for climbing.

Must Have
Nice to Have
Belay device w/karabiners
Climbing shoes
Knot tying
Wearing Harness carefully
How to belay
Foot placement

Friday 2 November 2018

Understand how symbol can be used to add meaning to a film

The old code is a set of rules that must follow of the knights most of all the king, the old code can maintain the world in order or peace. Bowen teaching this code to Einon so he will be ready to be a king but Einon thinks that king is above the code that makes him arrogant. We can see the old code in the film when Einon is suffering to die when he was stabbed by Kara and when they have training at the top of the mountain, and we also can hear the old code in the film when Einon become a king and he thinks that the king is above the code. The director put the old code in the scene to show the importance of being a king and to have a peaceful life for the village. Old code is important in Dragon heart because this make the audience feel how to react to a character that breaking a rule and how they react to the attitude of it like when Einon is so egoistic of his power.
Image result for dragonheart

Analyse the theme of the film

What am I learning?
I learned how to compare the good and the evil and the importance of it in the film
How does this show my learning?
This show my learning by doing a mind map and comparing the Good to evil in the film
What am I wondering?

Monday 29 October 2018

How characters are develope in film

  • Bowen
  • Draco
  • Kara
  • Gilbert of Glockenspur
  • Einon
  • King Arthur
  • Brok

Interesting Facts about them
Bowen is a Dragon hunter he killed one dragon (what I saw in the movie)by himself. He works for Einon being a mentor and teaching about the code
His a dragon with a power e.g can blow a fire, can fly, big wings, and he can talk even if he’s a dragon and can heal a person (like Einon)
Is a king after his father died, he has a full of power he build his own castle, he can do whatever he want to do.
She’s a beautiful and simple girl. She always think about his father he love and care about her father he do everything for him.
Challenges they have faced and how they reacted to them
He faced the dragons for making Einon an arrogant person for being a selfish king and he promised himself that he will kill all the dragon until the rest of his life and he faced it with a courage. The second Challenge that he faces is that the battle between Einon and him and the time that Draco died.
In the first Draco was challenge to convince Bowen to work with him. The second challenge was the battle and the time that Einon hitted by the bow but he was affected to he sacrifice just to lose Einon
The most challenging part that he faced is the time that he stabbed by Kara and the time that he is almost died before the dragon heal him. And the other one is that the battle he cannot fight for himself and he just died without any chance to heal again
He faced the challenge when her father died because of Einon, and when he tried to kill Einon but he failed so Einon locked her up and that time Einon knew that Kara is the girl who stabbed him. Other challenge that he face is when Einon pressure her to be his wife but she fight for herself
Words best describe them and why
Strong or courage because Bowen is full of skill he can fight for himself and he can faced by himself and he can do what he promise
Courage and kindness and fulfilling his promises or his words. Draco has courage because he fight for the village or for Bowen just to lose Einon even if he know that he can die if Einon died
Arrogant and Selfish because he thinks only for himself he do not care for others and even if the people around him is suffering to die.
Caring and beautiful because he always care for her father she always care about people even though she’s not rich and do not have a power to help other
Their relationship with other characters
Bowen is a helpful person and he care for every person around him .
Draco is full courage to fight for others his kindness and helpful attitude make him a good character.
Einon is a selfish person he just think for himself for his own happiness he don’t care about people around him.
She’s caring most of all for her love ones she will do everything for her love ones.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Plot of Dragon heart

What am I learning?
I'm learning the use of the plot and the importance of the film
How does this show my learning?
This show by making a plot and showing the importance of film or every scene
What am I wondering?

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Importance of Setting

The Dragonheart was filmed in Slovakia but in 10th century it was filmed in England. For people the life was like no freedome under the law of King Einon people has a normal life then, but when Einon become a king everything was change people got tired because of the castle. People just think about their power and properties, money and land. People are also selfish and arrogant that time.

What am I learning?
I'm learning the importance of the setting and how to make it and the history of the Dragonheart
How does this show my learning?
answering all the question and researching the history
What am I wondering?
I'm wondering if how people still survive that time

Monday 15 October 2018

Dragonheart Paragraphs

What am I learning?
I'm learning how they really use the shots in a real film and how it is worked well
How does this show my learning?
This can show my learning by using a Google slide , this also can help you to read my work easy
What am I wondering?
I'm wondering if how will they know what is the right type of shot that they will use in a scene?

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Camera Techniques

What am I learning?
I'm learning some camera techniques from this. I'm learning how to use them and where they need to be use and how to use it.  
How does this show my learning?
I use Google slides to show my learning I also use Harry Potter film to show the angles, shots, and movement. This show us how to use camera techniques 
What am I wondering?
I'm wondering what is the most camera techniques that they are using for films 

Monday 17 September 2018

Fair trading act

  1. What is the Fair Trading Act? Protects you from being treated unfairly by traders or shop
  1. What is the commerce commission’s goal? The Commerce commission's goal is to promote competition in the country's markets and prohibits misleading conduct by traders. The purpose of the act is to promote competition in New Zealand's economy.
  2. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action? Many organisations have responsibility for administering and enforcing particular pieces of legislation.
  3. Who are the two types of groups the act applies to?The two types of groups is Formal groups and Informal groups. Formal groups are formed consciously to directs the efforts of group members. Informal groups are those groups that get created as soon as individuals start interacting with each other.

Understand your compliance obligations

  1. What do the acts apply to?The Acts applies to everyone in trade. Fair Acts is apply to private sales. Consumer Acts is apply within a reasonable time if no time frame agreed.
  2. Whose ‘shoes’ must the business put themselves into? Putting themselves into customers shoes may make that worse.
  3. What is the commission empowered to do? The commission is empowered exist an independent organisation

Knowing your rights

It is important to know your rights because no matter how you live you need the rights to be treated fairly and these rights can protect you no matter what. Most of people know the rights, but there's still some people act so unfairly even if they know they do not have the rights to do it, that's why you need to know the rights you need to fight for your self, and you need to know the rights to make sure you're treated with respect you deserve. Knowledge of the law is so important to know to also protect you from police that abusing their power over the rights. It is also important to know the rights because you need to know that the things you're doing is right or not.
(from internet research)

Wednesday 12 September 2018


In DTE I draw a television with google drawing. I found challenging is the lines and it makes hard for me to move the shapes to their places. For me i did it well because I literally copied the picture from the paper. 

Tuesday 11 September 2018


This term in Drama we have been working Acting we rehearse for almost 6 weeks. And in the first time were just like playing some games and introducing are self for the first two weeks of term after that we start practising our performance. I'm with Loishane and Nishnit 

Some things I did well are my acting and my quality of voice in the performance. I memorised some of my script and I made a props with my own.

Some things I found challenging are memorising our script and cooperation of our group and not focusing on the performance, and our time table is not same so it makes us harder to rehearse we only meet once a week in drama. I also found challenging is to make an action because my group was like just standing and reading our script.

To improve my next performance, next time I will memorise my script and keep my voice clear and loud and to have more actions, and I will persuade my team mates to do it well. I think we need to keep practising if we have next performance and I think we need more time to rehearse so we will make sure that our performance is great.

Friday 24 August 2018

Language film

I choose crossword because its easier to do and it's easy to answers. I am learning about language of film. This show my learning with doing a cross word. I'm wondering if anyone can answer my crossword but it's easy to answer you can do it. next time I will make harder clues that can trick you. I use crossword creator to make this crossword try to make your own. 

Thursday 23 August 2018

Ta Moko

Ta Moko
Ta Moko is a traditional Maori tattoo. They believe that the head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body. To wear the moko on the face is to bear an undeniable declaration of who you are. The Maori are indigenous people that originated in New Zealand. They have a form of body art.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Interpersonal skills

What did you learn about? I learn about being mindful with others and learn how to use some body cues
Was there anything you felt difficult to understand? why? I'm just aware about body cues because there are some body cues that you cannot recognise because some body cues are same 
When talking to a classmate how did you know what there feeling? By their reaction and their body cues and how they talk to me

Testing for Protein - The Biuret Test

Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.
Equipment:  Test tube, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), copper sulfate (CuSO4), food sample

Friday 27 July 2018

The Merchant of Venice Act Three (Can do task)

Act Three, Scene one

  1. Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica's flight? A servant enters to announce that Antonio would like to speak to Solanio and Salerio. As those two leave to see Antonio, Tubal, a Jewish friend of Shylock's, enters with his own news.
  2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote The duke greets her and asks whether she is familiar with the circumstances of the case."Though justice be thy plea, consider this that in the course of justice none of us should see salvation"
  3. Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know. Shylock looking for Lorenzo and Jessica because he think that Lorenzo try to help Jessica to escape.
  4. Where do Shylock and tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose? So they can arrest Antonio 

Act Three, Scene two

  1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice? She asks him to tarry, to pause a day or two, to forbear awhile anything, she tells him, to keep him from possibly choosing the wrong casket.
  2. What makes Bassanio choose Lead over the silver and gold casket? find quotes in the text to support your thinking. Bassanio refuses gold because he knows that all that glisters is not gold. He also refuses silver, calling it common drudge tween man and man as coins are. He chooses lead because he knows that true worth lies inside, even if the outside doesn't look like much. The lead is more like HIM than like Portia.
  3. What does Portia's speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage? She reveal like a man going to be a king to a woman when they have a marriage 
  4. What did Gratiano's and Nerrisa's wish to marry depend on? The relationship between Nerissa and Gratiano is a good deal more traditional than that between Bassanio and Portia
  5. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news A wealthy heiress from Belmont. Portia's beauty is matched only by her intelligence, Bound by a clause in her fathers will that forces her to marry whichever suitor chooses correctly among three caskets, Portia is nonetheless able to marry her true love, Bassanio.
  6. What help does Portia offer straight away?At her house in Belmont, Portia pleads with Bassanio and reveals her preference for him. 
  7. What do we not expect this help to be successful? Portia does some more fawning and swooning over Bassanio, and he simply replies that he'd like to take the test now, as all this waiting around is like being on the rack
  8. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth? No because if she is really in love with Bassanio she will understand what Bassanio have.
Act Three, Scene Three

  1. Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use quote from the text to support your answer I forgot what it is but I think its good you can 
  2. Why can the duke not 'deny the course of law' According to Antonio?The duke cannot deny the course of law.For the commodity that strangers have With us in Venice, if it be denied, Will much impeach the justice of his state, Since that the trade and profit of the city Consisteth of all  nations.
  3. What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate. What two important relations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you 
  4. Do you think Antonio's feelings toward Bassanio have change since the beginning, why?Antonio cannot love Bassanio the way he wants to; he can give him neither marriage nor money
  5. Shylock refuse to consider the idea of mercy, but demands justice. Consider the following ideas:
  • Is mercy is same as forgiveness?about Mercy in this play. It is held up as an ideal, especially in Portia's famous courtroom speech
  • Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge? both the Duke and Portia present mercy as a better alternative to the pursuit of either law or revenge.
  • Is justice same as fairness? fairness is a synonym for justice. In order to conclude that Equal Justice and Equal Justice Under Law are the same
  • Is true justice possible in this case? The Merchant of Venice is inherently unsatisfying as a play because there is no sense of justice. 
Act Three, Scene Four
  1. What is Lorenzo's opinion of Antonio? Lorenzo is pals with antonio and bassanio. He's the guy who hits the jackpot when he elopes with jessica.
  2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to? Portia responds by saying that she never regrets doing a good thing and proceeds to tell Lorenzo that she will be leaving him in charge of her households until Bassanio returns. 
  3. Why does She ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why? Lorenzo plan that is Jessica should dressed up like a boy and then be his torchbearer during a street festival.
  4. Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?Not only is every potential suitor out to get his hands on Portia's wealth, but Portia doesn't even get to choose her husband, because her dad set up a little contest involving three caskets to ensure his little princess married the right man.
  5. Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men ?their husbands will indeed see them, but they won't recognize them. The women will be dressed convincingly as men. The other men including their husbands will think the disguised girls are accomplished men.
  6. In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia described The behaviour and attitudes of young men. speak between the change of man and boy
    With a reed voice, and turn two mincing steps. Into a manly stride, and speak of frays.Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, How Honorable ladies sought my love, Which I denying, they fell sick and died
  7. Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behaviour of a wife?People's behaviours can't always be explained. Some men some don't like roasted pig, some get freaked out by cats, some pee when they hear bagpipes
Act Three, Scene Five

  1. In his jokey conversation with Jessica, Why is Launcelot against the conversation of Jews to Christianity?The widespread conversion of the Jews to Christianity is a future event predicted by many Christians, often as an end time event. Some Christian groups consider the conversion of the Jews to be imperative and pressing and make it their mission to bring this about.
  2. What is Jessica's opinion of Portia?  It's actually Jessica who sums up her adoration for Portia. This is important because Portia is the one who will sort affairs out to the satisfaction of all the Christians in the play.

Tainted- contaminate or pollute 
Ecstasy- a trance or trance-like state in which a person transcends normal consciousness
Converted- change the form, character, or function of something.
Vantage- a place or position affording a good view of something.
Oration- a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion.
Constitution-a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed
Envious- feeling or showing envy.
Forfeit- lose or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing.

Friday 29 June 2018


We made Structure we have been doing this for 4 weeks. It's made of wood, we have 250 cm wood to do this it is for putting some pictures or sign you can put it through your door or any room you can put some string it has a small hook as you can see in the picture that thing is for string or if your'e going to put some things. it has 2 holes in the side of the wood that makes your structure stronger in the wall or wherever you put it. It is quite hard to cut the woods because you need to make sure that the wood is in the right angle and size and if you forgot something like I did i forgot to make a hole.

What am I learning?
I'm learning new things like how to make structure and how to cut wood properly and how to nail properly
What am I wondering?
I'm wondering if this structure is weak and it just fall down in my head
What do I need to improve next time?
I'm going to improve next time is to cut the wood in proper position and chisel the wood and make sure the measurement is right

Tuesday 26 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice A2, S7-S8-S9 (Can do Task)

Act Two, Scene Seven

  1. Which casket does the Prince of morocco think is worthy to contain portia's portrait? The prince of Morocco trying to win Portia's hand marriage  
  2. How does Portia feeling in A2S7 - at the beginning, - While the Prince is making his choice, at the end She's just feeling good becuase she know that the Prince gonna choosee the wrong one and he don't want to marry the prince.
  3. What was portia's father trying to achieve by the use of the caskets. Does this seem to be working?Portia clearly wants to marry Bassanio. Yes, we realize this is an unfortunate choice given that Bassanio wants Portia's money and seems to value his bromance with Antonio more than his relationship with her.

Act Two, Scene Eight

  1. What double disaster has Struck Shylock?  Because his daughter left and took all the jewels 
  2. Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?Jessica is Shylock's only daughter. She breaks her dad's heart by running off to marry a Christian and helps herself to her dad's ducats and some treasured family heirlooms.
  3. How did Bassanio and Antonio part? Antonio and Bassanio are closest friends. Antonio is the titular merchant whose business arrangement weighs heavily on his demaenor.
  4. What is the first suggestion of trouble of Antonio? Find quotes that tell you this. He just having a high pride that No one knows only me.

Act Two, Scene Nine

  1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?a big risk that requires a lot of sacrifice. The inscription also reminds us of the fact that Bassanio's courtship of Portia literally involves a man who must hazard all he hath.
  2. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden casket. What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character? The prince make the correct decision by not opening the golden basket. He mentions that many people would probably choose the golden of casket because it's attractive
  3. What is Portia's reaction to Bassanio's arrival? She's just like supper shocked and she don't expect that Bassanio will come and she just want Bassanio to get the right box because she's in love with Bassanio

Can do Task:
  • Incision
    a surgical cut made in skin or flesh.
  • Renowned- known or talked about by many people
  • Casket
    a small ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters, or other valued objects.
  • Fiend- an evil spirit or demon.
  • Impertinent- not showing proper respect
  • Tedious- too long, slow, or dull
  • Prodigal- spending money or using resources freely and recklessly
  • Garnish- decorate or embellish
Gold, Silver and Lead

The Merchant of Venice A2, S6 -- Discussion questions --

Act Two, Scene Six

  1. How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?Launcelot urges his former master to go he too has a premonition. He has a feeling horrified at the suggestion that he may have to endure the bawdy, showy heresies of a Christian masque. 
  2. What does Jessica Throw down to Lorenzo? A casket of money.
  3. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano? Gratiano has just told Antonio that he does not look well and that he is much serious. He tells him that those who care to much about the world tend to lose the little they have 

Act Two Discussion Question:

  1. In A2S2, Launcelot deceives his father. In A2S6, Jessica deceives hers, What does each of them hope to Achieve?If a suitor decides to play the lottery of chests and chooses the wrong one, not only does he lose a chance at Portia, he must never talk of marriage to another woman again.
  2. In A2S5 Lines 11-18 & 28-39. In both speeches Shylock is speaking to his daughter, Jessica. What is his attitude to her? Give supporting example from the text. His being selfish to her daughter. He didn't even think what his daughter feel about being lonely in their home. 
  3. In A2S5 Lines 11-18 & 28-39. What do Launcelot and the Audience know, that Shylock does not? How does this show dramatic Irony. He know about Jessica planning eloping

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Mee Goreng

We cooked Mee Goreng yesterday Tuesday 19th of June. I cooked with Loishane and Jordan. We got one X because no bring us a container but the rest of it we did it right and we got it on time. I think the noodles got over cooked. I think we will improve next time is just more communication with others team and our own team.


  • 3 tbsp oyster sauce, 320 ml
  • 3 tbsp tomato sauce
  • 2 tablespoon sweet chili sauce 
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 g beef or pork schnitzel, sliced
  • 2 tsp oil 
  • fresh or dried noodle for 4 people
  • 2 eggs lightly beaten 
  • 2 spring onions finely chopped
  • 1 cup mung bean sprouts
  • 1/4 green cabbage , finely sliced ( about 2-3 cups) 

The Merchant of Venice A2, S3-5

Act Two, Scene 3

  1. What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. She thinks that her house is a hell and thou, a marry devil Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness.
  2. Which of Bassanio's friends is Jessica planning to Marry? She want to marry Lorenzo and become a Christian if Lorenzo keep his promise to Jessica. 

Act Two, Scene 4

  1. How does Jessica get a message to her lover? She gave the letter to Launcelot and then he go to Lorenzo's place and he gave the letter to Lorenzo and Gratiano thinks that it it's a love letter  
  2. How will she be disguised for the elopement? They sneak away at supper time, disguise ourselves with masks at my house, and come back in an hour.

Act Two, Scene 5

  1. Why is Shylock is uneasy about going for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. Shylock chides his former servant and says that in Launcelot's new capacity as Bassanio's attendant, Launcelot will no longer be able to gormandize and sleep and snore as he was able to do with Shylock.

What am I learning?
I'm learning new words new scene a good and bad attitude
What am I wondering?
Why Shylock become so mean like that to his daughter even if Jessica breaks his dad heart
How does this show my learning?
By answering all the question and doing all the work by adding some ideas.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice A2, S1 - A2,S2

Act Two, Scene 1
  1. We have watched racial and religious tensions at work in A1S3. The prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue. What is it? It is start because they are of racism don't judge any people what they look like and what they are even if they are black or white
  2. If Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must portia's suitors give up if they fail to win her? If he fail portia he will get a consequence he need to find another girl of woman to marry him 
  3. Shylock practices 'usury'. What is it?Attitudes about usury and money-lending gave more moral weight to the work of merchants and traders in Elizabethan England, writes Stephen Alford in his new book London’s
  4. Why do Shylock and Antonio hate each other?Christians and Jews hate each other at all levels of society. 
  5. What is Portia's opinion of the prince of Morocco - give examples. While Portia does not seem to dislike the prince of Morocco as she does the foolish arragon, she certainly did not want to marry him. Her comment after he chooses the incorrect casket demonstrate this.  

Act Two, Scene Two
  1. Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. Because the devil is on his shoulder the devil. The devil urging him to leave and run away, even if he don't want to leave the Jew but the the Jew is the devil  and his conscience is giving him a hard time by telling him to stay with the Jew. 
  2. Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont? in Lines 114-142. Because Gratiano is a Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice Parts that become thee happily enough and in such eyes as ours appear not faults and Gratiano has a wild behaviour 
  3. Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a 
a.  frequent interruptions 
b. contradictions 
c. misuse of word to impress

What am I learning? I'm learning new scene and new word and answering questions
What am I wondering? I'm just wondering about the words and some conversation
How does this show my learning? by answering and finishing all the question