
Sunday 1 April 2018

WONDER work Pg 205-248

Wonder work Pg 205-248
  1. Explain why doesn't August like school events that included parents? August doesn't feel confortable when her parents watching him, August always to be beside her family because his family is his first friend and like Via said Auggie is the Sun an his family is the planets orbiting the sun that's why he don'r want to be shame and I think that August thinks that he's always protected when he's always beside his family
  2. Maya left August a nice little note and August said,"Six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more" Explain the change that is occuring.When August sees Maya writing a note to a friend on Uglydoll, he asks her if she knows that Uglydolls are based on him.It takes her a second to realize that he's joking, but then she totally cracks up and tells all her friends. The next day he gets a little Uglydoll keychain with a note from Maya saying, "For the nicest Auggie Doll in the world!" The icing on the cake is that people have been really nice about Auggie's new hearing aids too.School is going remarkably well.
  3. Describe August feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified?Auggie learns that he has to start wearing hearing aids. He has known that this change was coming since he was little, but now the ocean sound that is always in his head has gotten louder and drowns out people's voices. The hearing aids he must wear are large and clunky, and are attached to a headband. Auggie thinks he looks like Lobot from Star Wars and protests at first, but then he turns the hearing aids on and is amazed by how well he can hear. He calls the new sensation "hearing brightly." Auggie is surprised that no one makes a big deal out of his hearing aids when he goes back to school.
  4. Why Via keep her part in the play a secret from her parents? Why did Via's mum say the play wasn't something that August would be interested in?But at home, Via and August are fighting because Via didn't want to tell August about the school play Justin and Miranda are starring in. Via is Miranda's understudy. When August finds out, Via wants to invite him, but her parents are trying to respect her feelings by not inviting him. Then their dog, Daisy, must be euthanized because she is old and sick. A few days later, Via brings home three tickets to the play, and nothing more is said.
  5. August says," I think there should be a rule that every one in the world should be get a standing ovation at least one in their lives." Explain what this means and what he believes it.The entire auditorium claps for Via and the other student actors after they complete their opening night performance of the school play. This quote shows Auggie's insightfulness and kindness; he recognizes how worthwhile it is to make people feel important and loved, and wants everyone to have that feeling. In some ways, such warm acceptance is something that he hasn't had often enough in his life
  6. What effect this Daisy's death have on the characthers ? August family hot so sad because of daisy's death mostly his father vecause daisy is a childhood friend of his father that would be hurt his family so much 
  7. Why Miranda claim sickness before the play? because when Miranda saw Via's family she think that's no one support her and she thinks that Via is the right person to do the play and she saw Via that want to be in that role that why she give the opportunitie to via to play the role and because no one comes Miranda's family to watch her play so that she decided to give it to Via
  8. After reading Miranda's, how did your perception of her change and why The novel's perspective switches to Auggie's older sister, Via, who begins by talking about how she has gotten used to how her entire family life revolves around Auggie and his needs. She says that she does not mind this situation because she is used to it, though such a setup has meant that she and her own needs and problems often take second place. Although Via doesn't remember what her life was like before Auggie was born, she can see from photographs how much attention she got back then. She notes, though, that this year things have started to change.


Mayhem- violent or extreme disorder; chaos.
Taciturn-  reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
Gazillion- a very large number or quantity (used for emphasis)
Sarcastic- marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.
Hysterically- with wildly uncontrolled emotion. (informal) used to emphasize how funny something is.
Bittersweet- arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain.

How do hearing aids work?
Hearing aids are designed to compensate for hearing loss caused by parts of the hearing system that are not working effectively. Deficits may affect all sounds or be limited to specific sounds.

Modern electronic hearing aids use a microphone or an array of microphones to detect sounds. The sounds may be coded into a digital representation and are then filtered to best compensate for the hearing loss. Filtered sounds are then produced by a speaker and directed into the ear canal to enhance the sound sent to the eardrum and beyond.

What benefits of hearing aids?
It becomes easier to hear what other people say. Sounds you have not heard for a long time such as birds singing, door bells ringing, the howling of the wind and water running, may become audible to you. Hearing aids usually improve the user's social, psychological and physical sense of well-being.

Word Vomit
First word vomit- Sausage- Rowboat- Kitten- Moon- Broken Window (I got 47 words).

A cute little kitten love to eat sausage and she’s riding in a huge rowboat with her family. When they got home little cute kittens need to sleep before they sleep they watching the bright moon  and then when they got sleep some stranger broke their window .

Second word vomit- Toaster - Motorcycle- Spider- Fallen tree- Red pen (I got 93 words).
It is lovely morning but I need to go to school, I only have 20 minutes to do my home work because I didn’t do it yesterday but I lost my Red pen so I need to hurry. I didn’t yet eat breakfast so I will eat some bread but I want to toast it so I will use the toaser to toast my bread. I’m using motorcycle when I’m late. While I was riding motorcycle I saw fallen tree in the middle of the road and some spider ride in my motorcyle.

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