
Wednesday 21 February 2018

CRAVE chicken stirry fry!

Chicken stirr fry

What did I cook?
I cook chicken stirr fry it's a food like a japanese food with a noodles and vegetables and little bit of seasonings like salt, pepper etc. and noodles
When did I cook?
we cook yesterday 20th of febraury tuesday at HEc room with my team and Ms.Pr
Who I cooked with?
I cooked with Nishnit, Henry, and Loishane just like the first time that we cook here that we cooked savoury cases and we all participate
How we cook?
our ingredients is vegetables (optional), chicken,and other seasonings like salt, pepper etc. fisrt just add oil in the chicken and wait for the pan that will be hot then put the chicken with onions and just wait the chicken cook then add some vege cook for 5mins then coil water for the noodles after boiling and after the chicken and vege cook put them together in one bowl
Why learning how to cook chicken correctly?
Cooking chicken correctly will ensure that the chicken is brown and the flesh is white if it's not and then you eat it there's a possibility that you will get food poison and that the reason why you need to cook correctly the chiken


Wednesday 14 February 2018

YUMMY savory cases! at Hec

it's a baked bread with a topings of beans, cheese, and meat you can add your own topings like some corn or sphagetties or pineapples or salad topings. We use white chopping board for cutting the crust of bread and we use red chopping board for cutting the meat

The students I cooked with were
Henry, is getting the tools that we need and his the one that clean the dishes that we use. Loishane, she cuts the bread and Nishnit, is the one that grate the cheese and me I cook onion and I baked the savory cases use 180c when you baked thesavory cases

We were proud about were proud what we do because it's taste good ilike it I want to share to  everyone because I'm sure if you taste it you will love it and I'm proud of it
Next time we will improve in cutting some onion because we have some trouble in cutting an onion so I think next time we will be great in cutting of it

you need confidence to try because cooking is the best beacuse food is important to our life then try it if you fail that's part of a begginer so don't lose your hope

It didn't take long for me  to learn that cooking everything in one pan make for a happy flat. Also, I'm not a chef and you probably aren't either, and it's likely you don't like dishes

Friday 9 February 2018

Safety Signs


I create a safety sign that usually can see in the road, refers to an area on a street near a school or near a crosswalk leading to a school this can help to be the students must be safe. School zones generally have a speedlimit during certain hours.Road signs are designed to make sure that every driver is kept safe usually the people that walking or small vehicles, they help to create order  on the road ways and are employed to provide essentials information to drivers

- it's a diamond shape with yellow background with black borderline with a one gaurdian and a student.It is made of aluminum with plastic coatings
sometimes they use the school zone in the poster so the driver can quickly understand what is the meaning of that sign.

What was the learning outcome?
learn how to be safe on the road not only on the road as well as in facilities or in dangerous things how to understand or use signs and prevent or avoid harm.

What didn't and what would I change?
I did not follow the signs
I would changemy attitude when I didn't follow the rule

Sample caution signs- caution is a warning or is the act of expressing care because of potential risk or danger or in other term of caution is define as to warn, it has yellow backroundand it's shape like triangle with black border with a sign in the middle

Image result for caution sign
Sample mandatory warning signs- mandatory signs means a sign prescribing behaviuor, it's a blue sign with a shape circle and white in the middle. Mandatory sign shall show only what action required. That's always requied in building a construstion also in school.
Image result for mandatory signs
Sample prohibition signs- a safety sign prohibiting behaviour likely to cause a risk ot health or safety. This sign is a red circle with a line in the middle and a sign that you dont need to do and a white backround prohibiton signs generally use a black safety symbol
Related image

What I am learning?
Im learning how to use the signs what are the uses of it signs gave me some knowledge beacuse of signs I think I would be safe

What is the learning outcome?
- Start blog post
- Explain different signage

if you entering inside the tech room you will see some signs that you need to follow or that you must be worn and obey here the following images...

Thursday 8 February 2018

SONGS FIGHT by Ed sheeran and Rick astley

what is the learning outcome?-Find a YouTube clip of an artist/musician/band you admire.
-Open the video in Video Notes, watch through it and make some notes about why you like it, what messages are in it, and what you would change if you remade the video clip.

-Repeat this for an artist/band/musician you do not enjoy!
-On your blog, write a compare/contrast post about what makes a good piece of music using your two choices as evidence.
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
  • soft music with nice voice 
  • good message
  • about love
  • can touch heart of others
  • nice video so can the message is immediately understand to the person that listening or watching
Never gonna Give you up by Rick Astley
  • deep voice 
  • liitle bit kind of rock
  • videos from 19's
  • blurred video 
  • it's about love but i can't feel the message through the song 
  • it's only have one step of dance like shaking his body and hand
What am I learning?
- I'm learning that not all of the songs are cool or nice and the different of the two. Even they have the same message about love Ed sheeran songs is easily understands than Rick astley

How does this work show my learning?
- I know new knowledge of songs, this show me how to compare other things that you didn't notice and this can tell me my like or dislike

Hey sup there what do you think about this songs? you think I could improve this post? thank you for your comments :))