
Tuesday 21 May 2019

SoSt- Creative writing

Part 1

Name - Xander Ford
Occupation - Factory or machine cleaner
A bit on the back story: Eg. kids, married, criminal record, an orphan?

Pull factors
Push factors
Part 2
Details of the Journey
About their life
What ticket did you buy: Steerage

Part 3
First contact with people

Hi, I’m Xander Ford my family decided to move places from Britain to New Zealand. We decided to move because of the population and because of European gave British Immigrants legal rights as a citizen.

Here is my story. I’m just a 14 years old kid that lives in a horrible life in Britain, we have
no food to eat no house to sleep
and no proper clothes to use. I have 2 sisters and I’m the oldest one to us, my
father and I do have a job. I'm working at the factory,
controlling some machines and cleaning
some tools of it, at my young age I already experience a lot of jobs they
accept children to work, having a job is not that easy for a child but I'm doing
this for my family. One day I heard
my parents talking about our situation I heard them
talking about going to another country to live a more peaceful life to get
more nice work that can actually support our life. Being the oldest brother to our
family I have a responsibility to help my parents and to get a job.
My parents decided to go to New Zealand because of the population in Britain and they
want a better future for us. There is a lot of opportunities in New Zealand
such as a lot of job entries better houses and good education.

The Next day my mother bought a ticket for us but we couldn't afford the
expensive rooms in Cabin so my mom bought the rooms in steerage. The rooms in
steerage have dirty, small spaces and small bedrooms
what we don't have a choice just to get that steerage to go to another country. There is a
lot of differences between steerage and cabin passengers. Cabin passengers
enjoyed more spaces, privacy, and
better food. Some cabin
passengers mingled with those on steerage that we really hate about. Steerage
passengers sleep in tiers of bunks. We were provided with bedding, but not bedding. Before we arrive
in New Zealand my mother told that I don't need to work anymore as
soon we arrive in New Zealand I and my
siblings can go to school and make a better future. The time we arrived in
New Zealand I feel safe and our lives change a lot.

Wednesday 15 May 2019


In wood were doing some boomerang for about 2 weeks and some of us are done. Boomerang is some kind of toy that when you throw the toy it will back to you. First, we did some sketch before we cut it from the wood and put some designs on it. Second, we transfer the drawing to the wood so we know what size or how big we should cut on it. The last step is we put some designs on it with paint or we burn some of it to show the designs. Different types of boomerang :

Image result for different types of boomerang
Image result for different types of boomerang

Thursday 9 May 2019

Understanding stories

In English, we have been learning about Another world diversity. I think we are learning about this because we should learn about life that we don't know. Sometimes we should learn the Another world diversity so we know how to respect every culture around the world and traditions. Learning this topic is fun because I learned something that I haven't learn before it changes my perspective to others how I see other cultures in the world that every human is not same but we should treat everyone fairly.

10 stories:
CW’s Supergirl, Welcome to Earth helped me to learn that we should help each other and give some respect to the living things around you without waiting for any reward

Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games helped me to learn that we should stand up for what we believe no matter what our circumstances are.

Jk Rowlings, Harry Potter helped me to understand that money can't buy the happiness of someone and also to helped each other

Stan Lee cameo, Avengers Endgame shows that you can help everyone or you can sacrifice your life for everyone just give them another chance to live

Hinewirangi, Barriers helped me to understand that language can be a barrier for interacting with people but this is not the reason to discriminate others and to let them down

Erutan, Willow maid helped me to understand that nature is important in the earth and we should respect everything on it

Avatar the Water blending master this story helped me to understand that every problem has a solution to solve and we can help everyone to their problems

Robert Zemeckis, Forrest Gump this movie taught me that we should not give up to our dreams and try new things because we have something special that we don't know about

Brad Bird, Incredibles 2 This movie shows us that family is important in our life, that family are the first people we can ask help if we have a problem

James Cameron, Titanic  this movie helped me to understand how rich or poor we are we should respect everyone and we are all same.